The Advantages of Asphalt Roofing Shingles

Publish Time: 2020-06-30     Origin: Site

A significant part of adulthood and adulting is becoming a first-time homeowner. But much like with earning your first regular paycheck, there are important details that come with hitting such a huge milestone in life.

In the paycheck scenario, the critical details are income taxes and paying bills. With homes, it’s renovations.

But what in the world do you know about roofing materials?

When in doubt, always start with the most popular thing amongst the adulting majority. Four out of five homeowners in the United States have chosen to cover their homes in asphalt shingles.

What are asphalt roofing shingles, and how good are they when you break it all down?

Are they budget-friendly for a first-time homeowner? How long will the installation process take?

Your choice of roofing is one of the most significant investments you’ll ever make, so let’s go over some pros and cons to and figure it all out.

The Pros of Asphalt Roofing Shingles

An asphalt shingle is a type of roof shingle that uses asphalt for waterproofing.

The cost of a metal roof can be three times as much as an asphalt one. These shingles are the most affordable, not to mention accessible, out of the pool of available shingle materials. Asphalt is usually seen as the most sensible cost option in the roofing industry.

Versatile and Adaptable   

Asphalt shingles are one of the least difficult to work within the roofing world. It can be easily cut, secured, and fitted during the installment process.

Asphalt roofing is also a good match for most rooftop structures.

Low Maintenance and Easy Upkeep

An asphalt roof can be walked on without causing dents or damage.

Asphalt roofing doesn’t require as much upkeep as other materials—no need for exclusive accessories for edging, vents or chimney flashing, and wall terminations.

Easy Installation

One of the most positive benefits of asphalt roofing shingles is how lightweight they are. They can be installed speedily without any structural support.

A worker can have the entire roof done within a period of one to two days.

Champion of Longevity

Concerns of affordability when you’re torn over longterm durability can be a significant headache.

Asphalt shingles are a cost-effective option that lasts about thirty years on average. Architectural shingles have the endurance of thirty to fifty years.

Easy to Recognize When Repairs Are Needed

Asphalt roofing isn’t subtle when it comes to hints that it’s time to call in the cavalry. They show when they become frail and delicate. Noticeable signs are cracks, discoloration, buckling, and significant gaps.    

Variety Is the Spice of Asphalt Roofing

If you’re the picky sort, asphalt is going to be the better choice for you.

You have two types of shingles to choose from, and those shingles are adapted to fit the styles and aesthetics of both modern and classical homes. The range of colors includes blue, tan, red, green, gray, brown, and more.

Flexibility in Style and Design

Architectural asphalt tiles are a bit more costly but can have a 3D-like end-result. They come in a wide selection of tones and patterns, and some can replicate the look of slate or wood shingles.

Environmentally Friendly

As it happens, the party line about asphalt shingles being harmful to the environment is outdated.

It’s become standard for asphalt to be recycled rather than sent to landfill. Companies will often turn it into pavement for road work.

Eye-Catching Curb Appeal

If you have significant concerns aesthetics-wise, the variety of shapes, colors, and designs of asphalt are perfect for the overall appeal of your home.

From the range available you will be able to choose something that goes with your home’s aesthetic.

Energy Efficiency

If you live in a region where your home requires constant cooling, you can select a lighter of shade asphalt to deflect heat and keep your AC bill down. Of you live in a colder climate, choose a darker shade to absorb more heat and lower your heating bill. 

Quiet in Any Weather

Metal roofing can nearly be deafening noisy for some people during hail and rainstorms in contrast to asphalt.

Some people can find it ignorable or comforting, and some people can find it annoying and distracting. It’s a personality and preference driven choice. However, it is indisputable that asphalt is quieter in lousy weather.

Alteration Friendly

Asphalt shingles are simple to install and equally as simple to repair. Layering shingles is quicker and less of a challenge than repairing multiple dents in soft metal.

Cutting down on labor costs is never not a good thing.

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